Friday 6th & Saturday 7th 7pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 822 1608 6175
Passcode: 704040
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 5111 5942
Passcode: 443152
Current Project
A digital performance of exciting new writing from exciting new writers!
More details coming soon.
Previous Project
For those who missed it in February, here's one last chance to see our first ever venture. Rewhearsed readings of work by Frances McCann and Claire McCracken at the Traverse Theatre.
"The writing is as fresh and exciting as the company's ambitions and the four founders/performers have the talent, experience and commitment to see it through." Edinburgh Guide
Tickets available
Previous Project
In September 2018, we worked with women from the Calton Heratage Centre in the Calton area of Glasgow to create pieces of writing. These were then performed in 2 performances in the Changing House at the Tron Theatre.
This project was supported by Creative Eastend
There are plans to continue the relationship with the Calton Heratage Centre in an exciting new project.
Previous Project
In association with the Traverse Theatre
Rehearsed readings of a daring new verbatim piece of theatre highlighting current issues in our Education System.
Exciting update coming soon!
This project is supported by:
and the Traverse Theatre.